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Neha  Jaggi / Professional / Web Technology

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Lesson Topics's No:-  First|1 | 2 | 3|
Lessons:-Features and Steps

The first step also uses Capybara, while the second uses Capybara’s page object with RSpec. Evidently, all the testing work we’ve done so far with RSpec and Capybara is also useful with Cucumber.

           The rest of the steps proceed similarly. The final step definition file appears in Listing 8.33. Try adding one step at a time, running

bundle  exec cucumber features/



With the code in Listing 8.33, the Cucumber tests should pass:

bundle  exec  cucumber features/  


Neha  Jaggi

Skills    Ruby On Rails

Qualifications :- High School - , College/University - Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, College/University - ,
Location :-Dehradun,Dehradun,UTTARAKHAND,India

Experienced Software Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the Information Technology and services industry. Skilled in Web Technologies (Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, php, Laravel and AJAX). 


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