Ruby On Rails Classroom
Neha Jaggi /
Professional /
Web Technology
- Foreword to the First Edition
- Acknowledgments
- About the Author
- From Zero to Deploy
- Development Environments
- Ruby RubyGems Rails and Git
- The First Application
- rails server
- Model-view-controller MVC
- Version Control with Git
- What Good Does Git Do You
- GitHub
- Branch Edit Commit Merge
- Deploying
- Heroku Setup
- Conclusion
- A Demo App
- Planning the Application
- Modeling Demo Users
- Modeling Demo Microposts
- The Users Resource
- A User Tour
- MVC in Action
- Weaknesses of this Users Resource
- The Microposts Resource
- A Micropost Microtour
- Putting the micro in Microposts
- A User has many Microposts
- Inheritance Hierarchies
- Deploying the Demo App
- Conclusion
- Static Page
- Mostly Static Pages
- Truly Static Pages
- Static Pages with Rails
- Our First Tests
- Test-driven Development
- Adding a Page
- Testing a Title Change
- Passing Title Tests
- Embedded Ruby
- Eliminating Duplication with Layouts
- Conclusion
- Advanced Setup
- Eliminating bundle exec
- Automated Tests with Guard
- Speeding up Tests with Spork
- Tests inside Sublime Text
- Rails-Flavored Ruby
- Strings and Methods
- Objects and Message Passing
- Method Definitions
- Other Data Structures
- Blocks
- Hashes and Symbols
- CSS revisited
- Ruby Classes-Constructors
- Class Inheritance
- Modifying Built-in Classes -A Controller Class
- A User Class
- Conclusion-Exercises
- Adding Some Structure
- Site Navigation
- Bootstrap and Custom CSS
- Partials
- Sass and the Asset Pipeline
- Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets
- Layout Links
- Route Tests
- Rails Routes
- Named Routes
- Pretty RSpec
- User Signup A First Step
- Signup URI
- Conclusion-Exercises
- Modeling Users
- User Model
- Database Migrations
- The Model File
- Creating User Objects
- Finding User Objects
- Updating User Objects
- User Validations
- Validating Presence
- Length Validation-Format Validation
- Uniqueness Validation
- Adding a Secure Password
- An Encrypted Password
- Password and Confirmation
- User Authentication
- User Has Secure Password
- Creating a User
- Conclusion-Exercises
- Showing Users
- Debug and Rails Environments
- A Users Resource
- Testing the User Show Page with Factories
- A Gravatar Image and a Sidebar
- Signup Form
- Tests for User Signup
- Using form for
- The Form HTML
- Signup Failure
- Signup Error Messages
- The Finished Signup Form
- The Flash
- Deploying to Production with SSL
- Conclusion-Exercises
- Sessions and Signin Failure
- Sessions Controller
- Signin Tests
- Signin Form
- Reviewing Form Submission
- Rendering with a Flash Message
- Signin Success
- Remember Me
- A Working sign in Method
- Current User
- Changing the Layout Links
- Signin upon Signup
- Signing Out
- Introduction to Cucumber Optional
- Installation and Setup
- Features and Steps
- Counterpoint RSpec Custom Matchers
- Conclusion-Exercises
- Updating Users
- Edit Form
- Unsuccessful Edits
- Successful Edits
- Authorization
- Requiring Signed-in Users
- Requiring the Right User
- Friendly Forwarding
- Showing All Users
- User Index
- Sample Users
- Pagination
- Partial Refactoring
- Deleting Users-Administrative Users
- The destroy Action
- Conclusion-Exercises
- A Micropost Model
- The Basic Model
- Accessible Attributes and the First Validation
- User Micropost Associations
- Micropost Refinements
- Content Validations
- Showing Microposts
- Augmenting the User Show Page
- Sample Microposts
- Manipulating Microposts
- Access Control
- Creating Microposts
- A Proto-feed
- Destroying Microposts
- Conclusion-Exercises
- Following Users
- The Relationship Model
- A Problem with the Data Model and a Solution
- User Relationship Associations
- Validations
- Followed users
- Followers
- Sample Following Data
- Stats and a Follow Form
- Following and Followers Pages
- A Working Follow Button the Standard Way
- A Working Follow Button with Ajax
- Making the output of find readable in shell
- CRUD Operation-Create
- The Status Feed
- Motivation and Strategy
- A First Feed Implementation
- Subselects
- The New Status Feed
- Conclusion
- Exercises
Ruby On Rails Lesson
Model-view-controller (MVC)
Even at this early stage, it’s helpful to get a high-level overview of how Rails applications work (Figure 1.5). You might have noticed that the standard Rails application structure (Figure 1.2) has an application directory called app/ with three subdirectories: models, views, and controllers. This is a hint that Rails follows the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern, which enforces a separation between ‘‘domain logic’’ (also called ‘‘business logic’’) from the input and presentation logic associated with a graphical user interface (GUI). In the case of web applications, the ‘‘domain logic
Neha Jaggi
Skills Ruby On Rails
Qualifications :- High School - , College/University - Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, College/University - ,Location :-Dehradun,Dehradun,UTTARAKHAND,India
Experienced Software Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the Information Technology and services industry. Skilled in Web Technologies (Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, php, Laravel and AJAX).