Ruby On Rails Classroom
Neha Jaggi /
Professional /
Web Technology
- Foreword to the First Edition
- Acknowledgments
- About the Author
- From Zero to Deploy
- Development Environments
- Ruby RubyGems Rails and Git
- The First Application
- rails server
- Model-view-controller MVC
- Version Control with Git
- What Good Does Git Do You
- GitHub
- Branch Edit Commit Merge
- Deploying
- Heroku Setup
- Conclusion
- A Demo App
- Planning the Application
- Modeling Demo Users
- Modeling Demo Microposts
- The Users Resource
- A User Tour
- MVC in Action
- Weaknesses of this Users Resource
- The Microposts Resource
- A Micropost Microtour
- Putting the micro in Microposts
- A User has many Microposts
- Inheritance Hierarchies
- Deploying the Demo App
- Conclusion
- Static Page
- Mostly Static Pages
- Truly Static Pages
- Static Pages with Rails
- Our First Tests
- Test-driven Development
- Adding a Page
- Testing a Title Change
- Passing Title Tests
- Embedded Ruby
- Eliminating Duplication with Layouts
- Conclusion
- Advanced Setup
- Eliminating bundle exec
- Automated Tests with Guard
- Speeding up Tests with Spork
- Tests inside Sublime Text
- Rails-Flavored Ruby
- Strings and Methods
- Objects and Message Passing
- Method Definitions
- Other Data Structures
- Blocks
- Hashes and Symbols
- CSS revisited
- Ruby Classes-Constructors
- Class Inheritance
- Modifying Built-in Classes -A Controller Class
- A User Class
- Conclusion-Exercises
- Adding Some Structure
- Site Navigation
- Bootstrap and Custom CSS
- Partials
- Sass and the Asset Pipeline
- Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets
- Layout Links
- Route Tests
- Rails Routes
- Named Routes
- Pretty RSpec
- User Signup A First Step
- Signup URI
- Conclusion-Exercises
- Modeling Users
- User Model
- Database Migrations
- The Model File
- Creating User Objects
- Finding User Objects
- Updating User Objects
- User Validations
- Validating Presence
- Length Validation-Format Validation
- Uniqueness Validation
- Adding a Secure Password
- An Encrypted Password
- Password and Confirmation
- User Authentication
- User Has Secure Password
- Creating a User
- Conclusion-Exercises
- Showing Users
- Debug and Rails Environments
- A Users Resource
- Testing the User Show Page with Factories
- A Gravatar Image and a Sidebar
- Signup Form
- Tests for User Signup
- Using form for
- The Form HTML
- Signup Failure
- Signup Error Messages
- The Finished Signup Form
- The Flash
- Deploying to Production with SSL
- Conclusion-Exercises
- Sessions and Signin Failure
- Sessions Controller
- Signin Tests
- Signin Form
- Reviewing Form Submission
- Rendering with a Flash Message
- Signin Success
- Remember Me
- A Working sign in Method
- Current User
- Changing the Layout Links
- Signin upon Signup
- Signing Out
- Introduction to Cucumber Optional
- Installation and Setup
- Features and Steps
- Counterpoint RSpec Custom Matchers
- Conclusion-Exercises
- Updating Users
- Edit Form
- Unsuccessful Edits
- Successful Edits
- Authorization
- Requiring Signed-in Users
- Requiring the Right User
- Friendly Forwarding
- Showing All Users
- User Index
- Sample Users
- Pagination
- Partial Refactoring
- Deleting Users-Administrative Users
- The destroy Action
- Conclusion-Exercises
- A Micropost Model
- The Basic Model
- Accessible Attributes and the First Validation
- User Micropost Associations
- Micropost Refinements
- Content Validations
- Showing Microposts
- Augmenting the User Show Page
- Sample Microposts
- Manipulating Microposts
- Access Control
- Creating Microposts
- A Proto-feed
- Destroying Microposts
- Conclusion-Exercises
- Following Users
- The Relationship Model
- A Problem with the Data Model and a Solution
- User Relationship Associations
- Validations
- Followed users
- Followers
- Sample Following Data
- Stats and a Follow Form
- Following and Followers Pages
- A Working Follow Button the Standard Way
- A Working Follow Button with Ajax
- Making the output of find readable in shell
- CRUD Operation-Create
- The Status Feed
- Motivation and Strategy
- A First Feed Implementation
- Subselects
- The New Status Feed
- Conclusion
- Exercises
Ruby On Rails Lesson
Strings and Methods
Our principal tool for learning Ruby will be the Rails console, a command-line tool for interacting with Rails applications first seen in Section 2.3.3. The console itself is built on top of interactive Ruby (irb), and thus has access to the full power of the Ruby language. (As we’ll see in Section 4.4.4, the console also has access to the Rails environment.) Start the console at the command line as follows:
Loading development environment
By default, the consolestarts in a development environment, which is one of threeseparate environments defined by Rails (the others are test and production). This distinction won’t be important in this chapter, but we’ll learn more about environments in Section 7.1.1.
The console is a great learning tool, and you should feel free to explore—don’t worry, you (probably) won’t break anything. When using the console, type Ctrl-C if you get stuck, or Ctrl-D to exit the console altogether. Throughout the rest of this chapter, you might find it helpful to consult the Ruby API. It’s packed (perhaps even too packed) with information; for example, to learn more about Ruby strings you can look at the Ruby API entry for the String class.
Ruby comments start with the pound sign # (also called the ‘‘hash mark’’ or, more poetically, the ‘‘octothorpe’’) and extend to the end of the line. Ruby ignores comments, but they are useful for human readers (including, often, the original author!). In the code
def full title(page title)
the first line is a comment indicating the purpose of the subsequent function definition. You don’t ordinarily include comments in console sessions, but for instructional
purposes I’ll include some comments in what follows, like this:
>> 17 + 42 # Integer addition
=> 59
If you follow along in this section typing or copying-and-pasting commands into your own console, you can of course omit the comments if you like; the console will ignore
them in any case.
Neha Jaggi
Skills Ruby On Rails
Qualifications :- High School - , College/University - Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, College/University - ,Location :-Dehradun,Dehradun,UTTARAKHAND,India
Experienced Software Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the Information Technology and services industry. Skilled in Web Technologies (Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, php, Laravel and AJAX).