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Neha  Jaggi / Professional / Web Technology

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Lesson Topics's No:-  First|1 | 2|
Lessons:-The Finished Signup Form


Note that we can omit the user_path in the redirect, writing simply redirect_to @user to redirect to the user show page.

               With the code in Listing 7.25, our signup form is working, as you can verify by running the test suite:

bundle  exec  rspec spec/
Neha  Jaggi

Skills    Ruby On Rails

Qualifications :- High School - , College/University - Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, College/University - ,
Location :-Dehradun,Dehradun,UTTARAKHAND,India

Experienced Software Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the Information Technology and services industry. Skilled in Web Technologies (Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, php, Laravel and AJAX). 


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