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Lessons:-Core Libraries

LogError(string $message)
Shortcut to Log::write().
pluginSplit(string $name, boolean $dotAppend = false, string $plugin = null)
Splits a dot syntax plugin name into its plugin and classname. If $name does not have a dot, then
index 0 will be null.
Commonly used like list($plugin, $name) = pluginSplit(’Users.User’);
pr(mixed $var)
Convenience wrapper for print_r(), with the addition of wrapping <pre> tags around the output.
sortByKey(array &$array, string $sortby, string $order = ‘asc’, integer $type =
Sorts given $array by key $sortby.
stripslashes_deep(array $value)
Recursively strips slashes from the supplied $value. Returns the modified array.
Core Definition Constants
Most of the following constants refer to paths in your application.
constant APP
Path to the application’s directory.
constant APP_DIR
Equals app or the name of your application directory.
constant APPLIBS
Path to the application’s Lib directory.
constant CACHE
Path to the cache files directory. It can be shared between hosts in a multi-server setup.
constant CAKE
Path to the cake directory.
Path to the root lib directory.
constant CORE_PATH
Path to the root directory with ending directory slash.
constant CSS
Path to the public CSS directory.
constant CSS_URL
Web path to the CSS files directory.
constant DS
Short for PHP’s DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, which is / on Linux and \ on windows.
constant FULL_BASE_URL
Full url prefix. Such as



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