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Lessons:-Core Libraries

The above callback would provide a very simple authorization system where, only users with role = admin
could access actions that were in the admin prefix.
Using ActionsAuthorize ActionsAuthorize integrates with the AclComponent, and provides a fine
grained per action ACL check on each request. ActionsAuthorize is often paired with DbAcl to give dynamic
and flexible permission systems that can be edited by admin users through the application. It can however,
be combined with other Acl implementations such as IniAcl and custom application Acl backends.
Using CrudAuthorize CrudAuthorize integrates with AclComponent, and provides the ability to map
requests to CRUD operations. Provides the ability to authorize using CRUD mappings. These mapped
results are then checked in the AclComponent as specific permissions.
For example, taking /posts/index as the current request. The default mapping for index, is a read
permission check. The Acl check would then be for the posts controller with the read permission. This
allows you to create permission systems that focus more on what is being done to resources, rather than the
specific actions being visited.
AuthComponent API
AuthComponent is the primary interface to the built-in authorization and authentication mechanics in
property AuthComponent::$ajaxLogin
The name of an optional view element to render when an Ajax request is made with an invalid or
expired session
property AuthComponent::$authenticate
Set to an array of Authentication objects you want to use when logging users in. There are several
core authentication objects, see the section on Authentication
property AuthComponent::$authError
Error to display when user attempts to access an object or action to which they do not have access.
property AuthComponent::$authorize
Set to an array of Authorization objects you want to use when authorizing users on each request, see
the section on Authorization
property AuthComponent::$components
Other components utilized by AuthComponent
property AuthComponent::$flash
Settings to use when Auth needs to do a flash message with SessionComponent::setFlash().
Available keys are:
•element - The element to use, defaults to ‘default’.
•key - The key to use, defaults to ‘auth’
•params - The array of additional params to use, defaults to array()



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