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Lesson Topics's No:-  First|1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9|Last
Lessons:-Core Libraries

constant IMAGES
Path to the public images directory.
constant IMAGES_URL
Web path to the public images directory.
constant JS
Path to the public JavaScript directory.
constant JS_URL
Web path to the js files directory.
constant LOGS
Path to the logs directory.
constant ROOT
Path to the root directory.
constant TESTS
Path to the tests directory.
constant TMP
Path to the temporary files directory.
constant VENDORS
Path to the vendors directory.
constant WEBROOT_DIR
Equals webroot or the name of your webroot directory.
constant WWW_ROOT
Full path to the webroot.
Timing Definition Constants
constant TIME_START
Unix timestamp in microseconds as a float from when the application started.
constant SECOND
Equals 1
constant MINUTE
Equals 60
constant HOUR
Equals 3600
constant DAY
Equals 86400
constant WEEK
Equals 604800
constant MONTH
Equals 2592000



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