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Neeraj  Amoli / Professional / Web Technology

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Lessons:- A Users Resource

  A Users Resource

At the end of Chapter 6, we created a new user in the database. As seen in Section 6.3.5, this user has id 1, and our goal now is to make a page to display this user’s information. We’ll follow the conventions of the REST architecture favored in Rails applications (Box 2.2), which means representing data as resources that can be created, shown, updated, or destroyed—four actions corresponding to the four fundamental operations POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE defined by the HTTP standard (Box 3.2).

When following REST principles, resources are typically referenced using the resource name and a unique identifier. What this means in the context of users—which we’re now thinking of as a Users resource—is that we should view the user with id 1 by issuing a GET request to the URI /users/1. Here the show action is implicit in the type of request—when Rails’ REST features are activated, GET requests are automatically handled by the show action.

We saw in Section 2.2.1 that the page for a user with id 1 has URI /users/1. Unfortunately, visiting that URI right now just gives an error (Figure 7.4).



We can get the REST-style URI to work by adding a single line to our routes file (config/routes.rb):

resources  :users


 The result appears in Listing 7.3.


You might have noticed that Listing 7.3 removes the line

get   "users/new"


last seen in Listing 5.32. This is because resources :users doesn’t just add a working /users/1 URI; it endows our sample application with all the actions needed for a RESTful Users resource,5 along with a large number of named routes (Section 5.3.3) for generating user URIs. The resulting correspondence of URIs, actions, and named routes is shown in Table 7.1. (Compare to Table 2.2.) Over the course of the next three chapters, we’ll cover all of the other entries in Table 7.1 as we fill in all the actions necessary to make Users a fully RESTful resource.

            With the code in Listing 7.3, the routing works, but there’s still no page there (Figure 7.5). To fix this, we’ll begin with a minimalist version of the profile page, which we’ll flesh out in Section 7.1.4

We’ll use the standard Rails location for showing a user, which is app/views/ users/show.html.erb. Unlike the new.html.erb view, which we created with the generator in Listing 5.28, the show.html.erb file doesn’t currently exist, so you’ll have to create it by hand, filling it with the content shown in Listing 7.4.




          Figure 7.5 The URI /users/1 with routing but no page.

Neeraj  Amoli

Skills    Ruby On Rails

Qualifications :-
Location :-Dehradun,Dehradun,Uttrakhand,India

I have 3 year experience as a Software Engineer. My Skilled are Android Development (Java), ROR Development .   


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