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Neeraj  Amoli / Professional / Web Technology

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Lessons:- Advanced Setup


Advanced Setup

As mentioned briefly in Section 3.2, using the rspec command directly is not ideal. In this section, we’ll first discuss a method to eliminate the necessity of typing bundle exec, and then set up testing setup to automate the running of the test suite using Guard (Section 3.6.2) and, optionally, Spork (Section 3.6.3). Finally, we’ll mention a method for running tests directly inside Sublime Text, a technique especially useful when used in concert with Spork.

        This section should only be attempted by fairly advanced users and can be skipped without loss of continuity. Among other things, this material is likely to go out of date faster than the rest of the tutorial, so you shouldn’t expect everything on your system to match the examples exactly, and you may have to Google around to get everything to work.

Neeraj  Amoli

Skills    Ruby On Rails

Qualifications :-
Location :-Dehradun,Dehradun,Uttrakhand,India

I have 3 year experience as a Software Engineer. My Skilled are Android Development (Java), ROR Development .   


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