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Neeraj  Amoli / Professional / Web Technology

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Lesson Topics's No:-  First|1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6|Last
Lessons:- Branch, Edit, Commit, Merge


Now that we’ve finished making our changes, we’re ready to merge the results back into our master branch:

Note that the Git output frequently includes things like 34f06b7, which are related to Git’s internal representation of repositories. Your exact results will differ in these details, but otherwise should essentially match the output shown above.

        After you’ve merged in the changes, you can tidy up your branches by deleting the topic branch using git branch -d if you’re done with it:

$ git branch -d modify-README
Deleted branch modify-README (was 2c92bef).

This step is optional, and in fact it’s quite common to leave the topic branch intact. This way you can switch back and forth between the topic and master branches, merging in changes every time you reach a natural stopping point.

As mentioned above, it’s also possible to abandon your topic branch changes, in this case with git branch -D:

Unlike the -d flag, the -D flag will delete the branch even though we haven’t merged in the changes.


Neeraj  Amoli

Skills    Ruby On Rails

Qualifications :-
Location :-Dehradun,Dehradun,Uttrakhand,India

I have 3 year experience as a Software Engineer. My Skilled are Android Development (Java), ROR Development .   


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