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Rohin  Bansal / Professional / Web Technology

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Lessons:-Autoloading Classes

18.3 Namespace Mapping
PHP 5.3 saw the arrival of name-spacing. Although far from perfect, name-spacing allows the
PSR-0 convention of loading files. Under the PSR-0, namespaces are used to indicate directory
structure, and class names are used to identify the file name, therefore we can assume that..
1 <?php namespace Paladin\Mage;
3 class Princess
4 {
5 // so pretty
6 }
will live in the file..
Before we can use this convention, Laravel needs to know where our root namespace directory
is. We can help it find our files by using the namespaces() method of the Autoloader class, for
1 <?php
3 Autoloader::namespaces(array(
4 'Paladin' => path('libraries').'paladin'
5 ));As you can see we pass an array to the method. The array key represents the name of the root
namespace, in this case Paladin and the and array value is used to indicate the root folder that
is matched by this namespace, in my example application/libraries/paladin.


Rohin   Bansal

Skills    Laravel

Qualifications :-
Location :-Dehradun,Dehradun,Uttrakhand,India

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