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Pooja  Negi / Student / Web Technology

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Lesson Topics's No:-  First|1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6|
Lessons:- Test-driven Development

Then run the tests:

$ bundle exec rspec spec/requests/static pages spec.rb


One test should fail. (Since systems will vary, and since keeping track of how many tests there are at each stage of the tutorial is a maintenance nightmare, I’ll omit the RSpec output from now on.) The application code (which for now is raw HTML) is similar to the code in Listing 3.10, as seen in Listing 3.12.  


The tests should now pass:

$ bundle exec rspec spec/requests/static pages spec.rb
Pooja   Negi

Skills    Ruby On Rails

Qualifications :- High School - SSN high school, College/University - HNBGU, College/University - SRHU,
Location :-Ranipokhari,Rishikesh,Uttarakhand,India
Description:- Student

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