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Ankit  Rawat / Professional / Web Technology

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Windows You just need to execute the installer, and interact enough to agree to all the default choices.
Python works in Windows as well as on Apples and in the free operating system Linux.

OS X Double-click on the installer. Find and run the MacPython.mpkg that is inside. Follow the
defaults for installation.

Linux Python is generally installed, though Idle is not always installed. Look for something like ’idlepython’
(the name in the Ubuntu distribution).

1.1.4. Philosophy and Implementation of the Hands-On Python Tutorials. Although Python
is a high-level language, it is not English or some other natural human language. The Python translator does
not understand “add the numbers two and three”. Python is a formal language with its own specific rules and
formats, which these tutorials will introduce gradually, at a pace intended for a beginner. These tutorials
are also appropriate for beginners because they gradually introduce fundamental logical programming skills.

Learning these skills will allow you to much more easily program in other languages besides Python. Some
of the skills you will learn are
• breaking down problems into manageable parts
• building up creative solutions
• making sure the solutions are clear for humans
• making sure the solutions also work correctly on the computer.
Guiding Principals for the Hands-on Python Tutorials:
• The best way to learn is by active participation. Information is principally introduced in small
quantities, where your active participation, experiencing Python, is assumed. In many place you
will only be able to see what Python does by doing it yourself (in a hands-on fashion). The tutorial
will often not show. Among the most common and important words in the tutorial are “Try this:”

• Other requests are for more creative responses. Sometimes there are Hints, which end up as hyperlinks
in the web page version, and footnote references in the pdf version. Both formats should
encourage you to think actively about your response first before looking up the hint.

The tutorials also provide labeled exercises, for further practice, without immediate answers provided.
The exercises are labeled at three levels
*: Immediate reinforcement of basic ideas – preferably do on your first pass.
**: Important and more substantial – be sure you can end up doing these.
***: Most creative
• Information is introduced in an order that gives you what you need as soon as possible. The
information is presented in context. Complexity and intricacy that is not immediately needed is
delayed until later, when you are more experienced.
• In many places there are complications that are important in the beginning, because there is a
common error caused by a slight misuse of the current topic. If such a common error is likely to
make no sense and slow you down, more information is given to allow you to head off or easily
react to such an error.

Although this approach is an effective way to introduce material, it is not so good for reference. Referencing
is addressed in several ways:
• An extensive Table of Contents
• Easy jumping to chosen text in a browser like Firefox
• Cross references to sections that elaborate on an introductory section
• Concise chapter summaries, grouping logically related items, even if that does not match the order
of introduction.
Some people learn better visually and verbally from the very beginning. Some parts of the tutorial will also
have links to corresponding flash video segments. Many people will find reading faster and more effective,
but the video segments may be particularly useful where a computer interface can be not only explained but
actually demonstrated. The links to such segments will be labeled. They will need a broadband link or a
CD (not yet generated).


Ankit  Rawat

Skills    Python

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