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Lessons:-Project Structure

The laravel subdirectory also contains the files needed to render the off-line documentation
The storage directory is used as file store for services that use the file system as a driver, for
example Sessions, or the Cache class. This directory must be writeable by the web server. You
will not need to interact with this directory to build a Laravel application.
The vendor directory contains code used by Laravel, but wasn’t written by the framework’s
author or contributors. The directory contains open source software, or parts of software that
contribute to Laravel’s features.
/artisan [file]
Artisan is Laravel’s Command Line Interface. It allows you to perform numerous tasks³ on the
command line. You can even create your own tasks! To run Artisan simply type:
1 php artisan
/paths.php [file]
This file is used by the framework to determine paths to the important directories mentioned
above, and to provide a short-cut for retrieving them ( using path()). You should not need to
edit this file.



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